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Tuesday, May 7, 2024
HomeInternetBusinessGoogle Threatens California Publishers

Google Threatens California Publishers

The Struggle to Keep News Online

Η threatens to cut California publishers out of the , setting a potentially disastrous scenario for securing access to news content online. On the occasion of the California Journalism Preservation Act (), Google is threatening to significantly limit the content it provides to California publishers and their readers.

According to Google News Vice President Jaffer Zaidi, the company is looking to take drastic measures in response to the CJPA. In a test phase, Google is considering deleting links from California news sites, potentially reducing their visibility on its online platforms.

This threat is not limited to the disruption of content delivery by publishers, but also includes the potential disruption of investment in California's news sector. This move creates a serious risk to public information, depriving California citizens of access to important news and events happening in their area.

The CJPA aims to address the revenue imbalance between technology companies and publishing houses. Supporters of the law argue that big tech giants such as Google and the , absorb a large portion of the revenue from online advertising, while the publishers who produce the content do not receive a corresponding share.

In addition to the confrontation with the publishing houses, Google has found itself in similar conflicts in the past, such as with Spain and Australia. These controversies are part of a wider struggle to balance information and financial interests online.

In an era where big tech companies significantly influence the flow of news and access to information, the fight to preserve free and objective information becomes ever more important. The challenges facing publishers in California are part of this larger struggle, where the balance between the interests of technology companies and free information is critical to the well-being of our society in .

Marizas Dimitris
Marizas Dimitris
A dedicated fan of Samsung mobile phones, Dimitris has developed a special relationship with the company's products, appreciating the design, performance and innovation they offer. Writing and reading tech news from around the world.


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